CUAA Special Election 2015 for Alumni Trustees

Aftab Hussain

Hussain_Aftab 2Mechanical Engineering, 1997
Belle Mead, NJ

Current Position, Organization:
Partner & Managing Director, The Boston Consulting Group (BCG)

Relevant Skills:

As a Partner at BCG ($4B global consulting firm), I have unique experience guiding large companies and universities through these types of challenges – laying out the facts, soliciting input from all stakeholders, and aligning on tough decisions that require compromise.

Professional Qualifications:

At BCG, I work with the leaders of Fortune 500 companies and other organizations to develop and implement strategies that transform them strategically and financially.  For example, I recently supported Rutgers University in developing a strategic plan for the next 10-15 years, working with administration, alumni, faculty and students. In addition, I served as the recruiting partner for BCG’s NJ office for the past four years, and brought BCG on campus for the past three years.

Prior to joining BCG, I was a Finance manager at Unilever as well as an engineer with Lockheed Martin

Personal Statement:

Like the majority of alumni, I consider myself lucky to have gone to Cooper and I owe much of my career to my time at Cooper – the experience has been the foundation for lifelong success.  It is an experience I hope many others will enjoy for years to come.

I love Cooper and want to help make it free again – and I want to bring our community back together around this shared vision. I believe the solution requires an unvarnished truth, clear and detailed actions with measured milestones, and, most importantly, it requires transparent and open communication. It will not be easy making Cooper free again – it will require discipline, hard decisions and innovative thinking. We must find a comprehensive solution that puts the students of The Cooper Union at the core of the mission.

As a member of the Board of Trustees I hope to develop a plan to return Peter Cooper’s vision of free tuition to Cooper Union.  I appreciate your consideration of my nomination in advance.  I look forward to working with you and I am happy to talk to anyone should you have any questions.

Additional Information:

  • I love Cooper and want to help make it free again – and I want to bring our community back together around this shared vision.
  • I have unique experience guiding large companies and universities (including Rutgers) through these types of challenges
  • I promise to bring my expertise, energy and commitment to open communication and transparency