Videos Now Available

Original livestream available here, or as a MOV or MP4

HD Video available as well:


The Meet the Candidate Night was held in the Rose Auditorium.  Approximately 30 people were present in the live audience.  25 others attended via the Livestream – the largest remote turnout yet for a Council event. The event began at 6 PM with a welcome statement and introduction given by Kay Nordstrom ME’77 who chairs the Election Committee. Next, Mary Lynch CHE’82 explained the format for the panel sessions with questions by the moderator, audience members, and online attendees, for the various candidates.

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Presidential Panel

The first panel session was for candidates for CUAA President.  The candidates are Curtis B. Wayne AR’75 and Nils Folke Anderson A’94

Alumni Trustee Panel

The second panel session was for candidates for CUAA Alumni Trustee. The Candidates are Peter Katz, A’76 and John Leeper AR’85

Secretary-Treasurer Panel

The third panel session was for candidates for Secretary-Treasurer.  The candidates are Peter Ross A’78 and Sean Cusack BSE’98.  As Peter was not able to attend in person, Yinna Wang A’07 read a statement for Peter while Mary Lynch ChE’82 held up his picture.

Peter Ross’ statement can be found here: Peter Ross_election statement_4-14-15.

It was announced that Sean Cusack BSE’98 is running on a ticket with Nils Folke Anderson A’94 and Kelly Smolar ME’07.


Yinna Wang A’07 (middle) reading a statement from Peter Ross A’78 while Mary Lynch ChE’82 (moderator, left) held up his photo. Sean Cusack BSE’98 (right).

Vice Presidents

The candidates for VP Faculty and Student Liaison came on stage wan were introduced. Margaret Matz AR’83 and George De Feis CE’82 are pictured below. Mina Greenstein A’56 was unable to attend but is also running for the position.

The Candidates for VP Alumni Activities were then introduced.  They are Kay Nordstrom ME’77 and Kelly Occhiuzzo Zack A’90.

Council and Nominating Committee

Cocktail Networking Hour

Following the event in the Auditorium all attendees moved to room LL01 for a networking reception that included wine, cheese, and a variety of appetizers, provided by Kelly Occhiuzzo-Zack A’90.

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Awesome Peter Cooper candles care of Kelly Occhiuzzo-Zack A’90


Tech Work


Michael Luke CE’14 monitored the Video LiveStream

Sean Cusack BSE’98 making the HD Video recording