2015 Special Election — Meet The Candidate Night, November 9, 2015

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19 Alumni Trustee candidates participated in this event on Monday, 11/09/15, which was moderated by Wes Rozen, AR’05.  More than 70 Alumni and friends attended in person while another 125 attended on-line.

meet the trustee candidates 2015Introductions

CUAA President, Nils Folke Anderson The event was held in Rose Auditorium and was jointly hosted by the CUAA and CU Office of Development and Alumni Affairs.  CUAA President Nils Folke Anderson, A’94, welcomed attendees and candidates.  He also thanked members of the Nominations, Elections, Communications and Membership Commitees.  He also thanked President Bill Mea, Members of the Office of Development, Wes Rozen who was moderator for the evening, and all the Candidates.
Wes Rozen AR'05 was moderator Wes Rosen, AR’05, explained that the evening will have 3 panels of candidates.  Each candidate will be able to make an opening statement and a closing statement.  They will also be asked 2 to 3 questions.

Session 1

Dr. James Haywood Rolling, Jr. A'88

Dr. James Haywood Rolling, Jr. A’88

Ling-Wei Chang EE'82

Ling-Wei Chang EE’82

Aftab Hussain ME'97

Aftab Hussain ME’97

Mina Greenstein A'56

Mina Greenstein A’56

Adrian Jovanovic BSE'89

Adrian Jovanovic BSE’89

Mark A. Vasquez ME'88

Mark A. Vasquez ME’88

Sound Bytes

Relationships matter.  Bringing people together will cause great things to happen.  Dr. James Haywood Rolling, Jr. A’88

I turned the NY Woman’s Golf Association around when it was on the brink of extinction, by building alliances.  Ling-Wei Chang EE’82

I have experience turning Rutger’s around.  That was done by rebuilding trust.   Aftab Hussain ME’97

I have empathy for the people working and studying in the school.  Mina Greenstein A’56

We already have a mission that is Peter Cooper’s Vision.  Adrian Jovanovic BSE’89

More resources should be dedicated to fundraising from organizations.  Mark A. Vasquez ME’88

Session 2

Susan Berman AR'80

Susan Berman AR’80

Dr. George De Feis CE'82

Dr. George De Feis CE’82

Scott Lerman A'81

Scott Lerman A’81

Elaine Maldonado A'68

Elaine Maldonado A’68

Jack Freeman AR'69

Jack Freeman AR’69

Jennifer Lee AR'97

Jennifer Lee AR’97

Sound Bytes

I have hands-on skills building a business which I will bring to the board. Susan Berman AR’80

We need to look forward.  We need to trim costs.  We need to be entrepreneurial.  Dr. George De Feis CE’82

We need to be clear about who we are and what we want to be. We are a distinctive elite meritocracy.  Scott Lerman A’81

I am an expert on college finances.  I have won over a million dollars in grants for FIT.  Elaine Maldonado A’68

I have helped non-profits develop plans for major capitol projects.  Jack Freeman AR’69

I want Cooper to be part of energetic alliances.  We should look beyond New York for alliance partners.  Jennifer Lee AR’97

Session 3

Carol Wolf A'84

Carol Wolf A’84

Eduardo Palacio EE'75

Eduardo Palacio EE’75

Richard Velazquez ME'94

Richard Velazquez ME’94

Christina Aguirre-Ross AR'81

Christina Aguirre-Ross AR’81

Victoria Sobel A'13

Victoria Sobel A’13

Margaret Matz AR'83

Margaret Matz AR’83

Rob Marano EE'93

Rob Marano EE’93

Sound Bytes

Our brand is that we create an environment where the best of the best come to earn problem solving.  Carol Wolf A’84

Sr. executives need to have annual goals that they commit to and they need to be measured against those goals.  Eduardo Palacio EE’75

I started an internship program at PepsiCo that has hired several Cooper Students. I have also steered money from the PepsiCo Foundation to Cooper’s Star program.  Richard Velazquez ME’94

People seem to see “Free” as “anybody gets in” — not merit based scholarship.  Christina Aguirre-Ross AR’81

We need to open decision making processes.  Need to build a shared stakeholder process.  Victoria Sobel A’13

I know intimately the many stakeholders in the Cooper community.  Margaret Matz AR’83

The school has made me who I am.  We are custodians of Peter Cooper’s legacy.  Rob Marano EE’93



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