Running For: Secretary

Campaign Statement
The goals of the CUAA are to serve the Cooper Union and the alumni. Those goals are my goals. I am currently serving as CUAA secretary which is a privilege. I hope to do that for the coming year also. I have been working on CUAA communications for about 12 years and believe strongly in the need to keep alumni informed and in the need to make our meetings more accessible using video and conferencing capabilities.
I love The Cooper Union and look forward to the future reinstatement of full tuition scholarships. I recognize the seriousness of the school’s financial difficulties. I will continue to urge both the CUAA and the alumni to support Cooper students now, by donating money and time to school projects benefiting students. I am a strong advocate of bringing alumni into the school to contribute directly to the students as mentors and sources for career advice; and bringing together students and alumni for both in-person and on-line networking. I help facilitate the dialogue between all concerned with the goal of helping to create an initiative of sustained collaboration and transparency. I believe it is paramount that students, faculty, and administration all have an opportunity to express their concerns and have a voice in a partnership of shared governance
Mary Lynch is the current CUAA Secretary. She has held that position since July 2017. She has been active in the CUAA for 12 years. She is one of the administrators for the CUAA website and social media sites and writer for the CUAA newsletter. She is currently the chair of the Peter Cooper Public Service Award committee and a member of the Gano Dunn and the Communications committees. She has served on the Alumni Council (3 terms) and the Communications, Events, Gano Dunn Award, Peter Cooper Service Award, Constitution, Election, and Nominating committees. At various times she has chaired the Communications, Nominating and Peter Cooper Service Award committees. She is a major contributor to the CUAA newsletter and administrator for the CUAA Facebook page and LinkedIn group. She served on the planning committees for multiple class reunions. She is a sponsor and supporter of The Cooper Union Motorsports Team. She is a regular guest speaker in the Engineering School. She was the moderator for the 2013 CUAA Trustee Panel Discussion. She participates in Mock Interview Nights, Engineering Career Evenings and Phon-a-thons. She is a Class Rep for the class of 1982 and she visits local high schools as an Ambassador for CU. Mary received the CUAA 2015 Alumna of the Year award. Mary is a Senior Engineer and Senior Instructor for Con Edison. She teaches courses on the NYC steam system and on power generation, for engineers, planners, mechanics, operators
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