The Cooper Union Alumni Association (CUAA) provides a vital link between the alumni and the institution, building a strong body of support to preserve, protect and promote The Cooper Union.
William Dubilier, Eng 1909 William Dubilier, Eng1909, was an inventor and radio pioneer who held over 600 patents. A New York native, William Dubilier worked as an assistant to radiotelegraph developer Guglielmo Marconi before...
Kenneth Bridbord ChE’64 (This article was originally published in 2009. It has been modified to include recognitions awarded since that time.) Kenneth Bridbord ChE’64 also studied at the University of Chicago Pritzker School of...
Don Blauweiss A’61 Don Blauweiss A’61 is a communications professional who specializes in branding and identity through strategic marketing and graphics. Even before graduating from The Cooper Union, he began his career at Doyle...
Emile Berliner, Eng 1876 Emile Berliner, Eng 1876 is the inventor of the microphone, the loose-contact telephone transmitter, and the disc type record player, which replaced Edison’s more expensive and delicate cylinder player and advanced...
Chris Benedict AR’86 Chris Benedict AR’86 is Principle of Chris Benedict, R.A., a New York City firm that specializes in healthy, durable and energy efficient buildings. Her work, in collaboration with Henry Gifford, mechanical...
Stan Allen AR’81 Stan Allen AR’81 is an architect working in New York, and Dean of the School of Architecture at Princeton University. After graduation from The Cooper Union in 1981, he worked for...
Max Fleischer A 1900 Max Fleischer A 1900 was an innovator in the early days of the cartoon industry. In 1917, Fleischer was granted a patent for the Rotoscope, a mechanism used for transferring...
Cooper Union Alumni showed their brightest faces on February 5th, as they came together to celebrate Peter Cooper’s 222nd Birthday and to celebrate the accomplishments of their peers. The annual Founders Day Celebration was...
Michael Kwartler, AR’65 Michael Kwartler, FAIA AR’65 received the 2007 John Q. Hejduk Award. He is an architect, planner, urban designer, and educator. He is the founding director of the Environmental Simulation Center, a...
Eva Hesse A’57 Eva Hesse, A’57, was a German-born American artist who had a prolific yet brief career. A postmodernist, she left a considerable body of drawings and over seventy pieces of sculpture. She...
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