John Doctoroff A 1911
John Doctoroff was a portrait artist based in Chicago, IL. He attended The Cooper Union School of Art from 1909 – 1911. He was born in 1893 in New York City. Following his graduation...
John Doctoroff was a portrait artist based in Chicago, IL. He attended The Cooper Union School of Art from 1909 – 1911. He was born in 1893 in New York City. Following his graduation...
Martin Trust ME’56 Martin Trust grew up in Brooklyn and attended Brooklyn Tech High School. He received his Bachelor’s degree in Mechanical Engineering from The Cooper Union in 1956, and his Master’s degree in...
Barbara Fishman A’60 worked for CBS early in her career designing advertisements for the network. She became art director at CBS and she designed album covers and liner notes for CBS records. Barbara won...
Arthur Rosenblatt AR’52 Arthur Rosenblatt AR’52 served as CUAA Class Representative, CUAA Council Member, CUAA President, and CUAA Alumni Trustee. He also served on the Cooper Union President’s Advisory Council . He was CUAA President...
Charles Bliss ChE’39/PDE’48 has had a long and international career in power plant technology, promoting and developing local energy in all five continents with a focus on the developing world. He served on the...
George Hecht EE’30 began working at Bell Labs in lower Manhattan as a messenger when he was 16 years old. He studied electrical engineering at The Cooper Union at night while he continued working...
Born in New York City in 1915, Irwin Harrison Woolf passed away peacefully on March 19, 2019 shortly after his 104th birthday. Perhaps the oldest living alumnus, Woolf received an undergraduate degree in mechanical...
Leo J. Brancato, Mechanical Engineering 1950, was the inventor of screw thread inserts for which he holds more than 11 patents. The patents are for specialized uses that include securing an artificial tooth into...
Matthew Becker, Electrical Engineering 1921, was a professional engineer and manufacturer committed to industrial education. He was President of the Standard Switchboard Corporation. He started modestly, during of the Great Depression with a small...
Saul Aronow, Electrical Engineering 1939, was a radiological physicist and a consultant. he was also a political activist. Aronow began his career as an engineer at Harvey Radio Labs in Cambridge, Massachusetts. After...
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