Campaign Statement
Despite its turmoil, I had four incredible years at Cooper that I wouldn’t trade for anything. During my time, I learned the value of maintaining cordial relations with those around me, but also learned never to accept anything without fully understanding its implications. At some point, I discovered a strong balance between questioning decisions that I felt might be a step in the wrong direction and collaborating to take productive steps towards the larger picture. While there’s a laundry list of efforts I hope to address, at the heart of it, my main priorities have always been 1) ensuring the quality of students that are recruited to the school, 2) making changes to our curriculum and processes of evaluation to keep our programs current and creatively-oriented, and 3) maintaining the close-knit, collaborative environment that made all the painstaking hours worthwhile. I recognize that the majority of candidates have years of experience ahead of me, but what the Alumni Council needs now is a recent graduate who was at the frontlines of everything that happened over the past four years and is ready and eager to push Cooper’s mission forward.
I graduated in the Class of 2014 with a degree in Civil Engineering, and have since been working in the financial services industry at TIAA-CREF. As an undergraduate, I was heavily involved in Cooper’s performance groups, professional societies, and student council. As an Ad-Chair of ESC, I worked closely with the students, faculty union, admissions department, and administration, focusing primarily on student space, faculty evaluations, the recruiting process, and revenue generating programs. Upon graduation, I was fortunate enough to receive the Alumni Association’s Service to the School of Engineering Award.
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