James Liubicich ChE’83
Running for: Nominating Committee

Campaign Statement
As a candidate for the Nominating Committee, I understand very well its duties to seek out and vet the best candidates for CUAA, especially the positions of President, Alumni Trustee and Officers. If elected it will be a great privilege to serve again with other committee members. At this time in CUAA’s and CU’s history we need the strength of our Alums to come through to advance and support the community. To the extent that I can continue to serve I look forward to the opportunity if chosen.
Jim is a Professional Engineer with focused work in wastewater treatment and municipal infrastructure. He makes his home in Glen Ellyn, IL, a suburb of Chicago, with wife, Christine, a Certified Stenographer, who is well versed in CU culture. Jim currently is the Executive Director of the Flagg Creek Water Reclamation District in Burr Ridge, IL. Born in Brooklyn, NY, he attended NYC Public Schools through High School. Jim graduated from Brooklyn Technical High School in 1979 and then majored in Chemical Engineering at Cooper graduating in 1983. He keeps strong ties in the NYC area with family, friends and colleagues. Has become more actively involved with CUAA since 2013 and was elected to Council in 2020. Jim chaired the Constitution Committee responsible for the recent updates, chaired the start of the Membership Committee and was actively involved in the 501C3 Committee. He is also a current member of the Nominating Committee.
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