Running For: Alumni Council

Campaign Statement and Biography
Kelly Occhiuzzo-Zack graduated with a BFA from the School of Art in 1990. Kelly is currently serving as VP/Alumni Activities, a position she has held since 2015. Prior to that she served on the Events Committee as a member first and then Events Committee Co-Chair. Kelly frequently assists other committees and groups within the Cooper community as needed. Some of the many events spearheaded by Kelly and brought to our alumni and students by the CUAA have been the CUAA’s Annual Holiday Parties, CUAA@AllSouls, CUAA@McSorley’s, CUAA@190 Broadway, The Annual Cooper Union Student Harvest Feast, CUAA@Orientation/Peter Cooper Movie Night 2015, as well as the many wonderfully successful Founder’s Day/Peter Cooper Block Parties.
Kelly began her career as an art and design professional in the Special Events/Event Planning field. Like many other Special Event professionals, 2020 caused the trajectory of her career to shift. Currently she is working as a Special Education Teacher in the Hewlett-Woodmere School District on Long Island. Kelly is proudly the recent recipient of the 2023 CUAA Alumna of the Year Award.
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