Running For: VP Faculty/Student Liaison

Mary Lynch ChE’82

Campaign Statement

The goals of the CUAA are to serve the Cooper Union and the alumni.  These goals are my goals. I have been working on CUAA communications for many years and believe strongly in the need to keep alumni informed of both alumni news and school news.  One of the things that I have done in recent years is help some of the engineering faculty find alumni to speak to their classes and attend student presentations.  I have also helped student groups get word out to alumni of their events. I am running for the VP Student / Faculty Liaison position, a position that will allow me to continue building alumni bridges with both faculty members and students.  I will meet with the deans to learn where they would like to see more alumni involvement and continue to speak directly to faculty members and students who reach out to me.  I will recruit a team of alumni with representatives from the 3 schools so that we have a pool of alumni volunteers that are able to attend school meetings, including meetings that occur during the school day.

As the VP Student / Faculty Liaison, I will facilitate communication between alumni and faculty members and between alumni and student groups and report back to the alumni council about activities of our Liaison team, and requests for alumni support from students and members of the faculty.


Mary Lynch is the current VP Student /Faculty Liaison and member of the CUAA Council. In the past she was CUAA Secretary. She has been active in the CUAA for more than 20 years.  She is one of the administrators for the CUAA website and social media sites. She serves on the Peter Cooper Public Service Award committee and the Communications committee.  She has served on the Alumni Council (4 terms) and the Communications, Events, Gano Dunn Award, Peter Cooper Service Award, Constitution, Election, and Nominating committees.  At various times she has chaired the Communications, Nominating and Peter Cooper Service Award committees. She served on the planning committees for multiple class reunions. She is a sponsor and supporter of The Cooper Union Motorsports Team.  She is a regular guest speaker in the Engineering School.  She was the moderator for the 2013 CUAA Trustee Panel Discussion.  She participates in Mock Interview Nights, Engineering Career Evenings and Phon-a-thons.  She is a Class Rep for the class of 1982, and she has visited local high schools as an Ambassador for CU.  Mary received the CUAA 2015 Alumna of the Year award. 

Mary is a Senior Engineer and Senior Instructor for Con Edison.  She teaches courses on the NYC steam system and on power generation, for engineers, planners, mechanics, operators, and customers.  Mary is a Fellow of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AICHE) and past Chair of the Metro NY AICHE Section.