Mary K Lynch ChE’82Running for:Nominating Committee
Campaign Statement
I have worked in the past, and will work in the future, to find candidates for CUAA positions that reflect the diversity of our alumni. I am committed to ensuring that alumni from all schools, all ethnicities, and all age categories are represented on the CUAA Council. I am committed to increasing involvement in the CUAA by alumni located outside the NYC area. I have been supportive of the CUAA chapter and regional groups and I have been a champion of live-streaming our meetings and forums.
Mary is a Senior Engineer for Con Edison. She teaches courses on the NYC steam system for engineers, planners, mechanics, operators and customers. She currently serves on the Alumni Council and the Nominating, Communications, Constitution, Gano Dunn Award and Peter Cooper Service Award Committees. She has previously chaired the Communications and Nominating committees. She is an editor of the CUAA Newsletter and administrator for the CUAA FaceBook page and Linked-In group. She served on the planning committees for multiple reunions. She was awarded the CUAA Alumna of the Year Award in 2015. She is a sponsor and supporter of The Cooper Union Motorsports Team. She was the moderator for the CUAA Trustee Panel Discussion. She participates in Mock Interview Night and CU Mentoring Program. She is a Class Rep for the class of 1982.
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